Gamma Phi Beta's Involvement in the FSPAC
An Instagram post from July by the account “Abolish Richmond Greek Life” revealed that many Greek organizations donate to the Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee which claims to be a bipartisan group that supports Greek-affiliated political leaders and legislation. Gamma Phi Beta Sorority donated $5,000 in March 2019 to the 2020 campaign cycle, therefore being one of the top Panhellenic organizations to fund this political action committee. Gamma Phi Beta’s donations to the Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee (FSPAC) was concerning news, so we contacted our International Headquarters for more information regarding involvement with questions provided by our members.

What is the FSPAC?
The FSPAC is an organization that defends and enhances the Greek life student experience and supports Greek-affiliated legislation and political candidates (including Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, and Marsha Blackburn). While the FSPAC does donate to political candidates, only donations contributed by individuals can be used to support candidates. By law, corporate contributions go to an account separate from individual donors, which is legally prohibited from directly supporting a political candidate. Thus, no organization’s support goes directly to support a specific candidate.
What is Gamma Phi Beta’s Involvement in the FSPAC?
Gamma Phi Beta has contributed to the Fraternity and Sorority Action Fund (FSAF). This is separate from the FSPAC, but the PAC’s board is the sole shareholder. The FSAF is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization the PAC founded to raise and spend money on actions the PAC cannot directly participate in. The FSAF does not contribute to candidate campaigns. Gamma Phi Beta donated to the action fund to support the lawsuit against Harvard* regarding the ability of college students to join and belong to single-sex organizations. Legally, Gamma Phi Beta cannot donate to the FSPAC, but can donate to the action fund and has pledged $30,000 over 3 years to support the Harvard litigation.
Currently, the FSPAC is the only PAC working to advance and ensure the future of Fraternity and Sorority Life. They are committed to passing anti-hazing legislation and protecting our right to exist as single-sex organizations. Thus, many Gamma Phi Betas personally give to the FSPAC and Gamma Phi Beta cannot dictate political views/values of individual members or legally prohibit donors from affiliating Gamma Phi Beta with their donations.
*Sororities and Fraternities sued Harvard for creating policies that said women who join sororities, cannot be student leaders on campus at Harvard or receive merit-based financial aid.
Gamma phi beta international's full response to our QUESTIONS